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Bibliography  Book.png  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Before 1880 | Databases / Unp. data

  1. Hackenberger, 2012 — Hackenberger, D.K., 2012. A structure and spatio-temporal distribution of earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) populations along a vertical transect Ogulin-Novi Vinodolski. Doctoral thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology. [In Croatian, English summary].
  2. Hackenberger and Hackenberger B.K., 2013 — Hackenberger, D.K., Hackenberger, B.K., 2013. Checklist of the earthworm fauna of Croatia (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Zootaxa, 3710(1): 001–030.
  3. Hackenberger and Hackenberger B.K., 2014 — Hackenberger, D.K., Hackenberger, B.K., 2014. Earthworm community structure in grassland habitats differentiated by climate type during two consecutive seasons. European Journal of Soil Biology, 61: 27–34.
  4. Haeba et al., 2014 — Haeba, M., Kuta, J., Gebril, R., Awgie, W., 2014. Occurrence of earthworms in relation to soil TC,TOC,TIC in Benghazi, Libya. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research, 2(2).
  5. Hague, 1923 — Hague, F.S., 1923. Studies on Sparganophilus eiseni Smith. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 42(1): 1-42.
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  10. Haimi and Huhta, 1990 — Haimi, J., Huhta, V., 1990. Effects of earthworms on decomposition processes in raw humus forest soil: A microcosm study. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 10: 178-183.
  11. Haimi and Boucelham, 1991 — Haimi, J., Boucelham, M., 1991. Influence of a litter feeding earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus, on soil processes in a simulated coniferous forest floor. Pedobiologia, 35: 247-256.
  12. Haimi and Einbork, 1992 — Haimi, J., Einbork, M., 1992. Effects of endogeic earthworms on soil processes and plant growth in coniferous forest soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 13: 6-10.
  13. Haimi and Paavola, 1998 — Haimi, J., Paavola, S., 1998. Responses of two earthworm populations with different exposure histories to chlorophenolic contamination. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 17: 1114-1117.
  14. Haimi et al., 1992 — Haimi, J., Huhta, V., Boucelham, M., 1992. Growth increase of birch seedlings under the influence of earthworms - a laboratory study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24: 1525-1528.
  15. Haimi et al., 1992b — Haimi, J., Salminen, J., Huhta, V., Knuutinen, J., Palm, H., 1992. Bioaccumulation of organochlorine compounds in earthworms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24: 1699-1703.
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  24. Hale et al., 2005 — Hale, C.M., Frelich, L.E., Reich, P.B., 2005. Exotic European earthworm invasion dynamics in Northern hardwood forests of Minnesota, USA. Ecological Applications, 15(3): 848–860.
  25. Hale et al., 2005b — Hale, C.M., Frelich, L.E., Reich, P.B., Pastor, J., 2005. Effects of European earthworm invasion on soil characteristics in northern hardwood forests of Minnesota, USA. Ecosystems, 8: 911-927.
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  28. Hallatt, 1992 — Hallatt, L., 1992. Moisture requirements in the life cycle of Perionyx excavatus (Oligochaeta). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24(12): 1333-1340.
  29. Hamoui and Donatelli, 1983 — Hamoui, V., Donatelli, R.J., 1983. Uma espécie nova de Oligochaeta, Glossoscolecidae, Glossodrilus (G.) baiuca, n. sp., from the territory of Roraima, Brasil. Rev. Brasil. Biol., 43(2): 143-146.
  30. Hanel, 1904 — Hanel, E., 1904. Ein Beitrag zur "Psychologie" der Regenwürmer. Zeitschr. allgem. Physiologie, IV: 244-250.
  31. Hansen and Engelstad, 1999 — Hansen, S., Engelstad, F., 1999. Earthworm populations in a cool and wet district as affected by tractor traffic and fertilisation. Applied Soil Ecology, 13: 237-250.
  32. Haraldsen et al., 1994 — Haraldsen, T.K., Larsen, M.A., Myhr, K., 1994. Effects of cattle slurry and soil compaction on the earthworm population in a silty clay loam soil in central Norway. Norw. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 231-241.
  33. Hargitt, 1906 — Hargitt, C.W., 1906. A New Method of Collecting Earthworms for Laboratory Use. Science (N.S.), XXIII, p. 470.
  34. Harish Kumar et al., 2018 — Harish Kumar, T.S., Sreepada, K.S., S. Narayanan, S.P., Reynolds, J.W., 2018. Megadrile earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) around Udupi Power Corporation Limited (UPCL), Udupi District, Karnataka, South-West coast of India. Megadrilogica, 23(5): 79-91.
  35. Harman, 1965 — Harman, W.J., 1965. Life history studies of the earthworm Sparganophilus eiseni in Louisiana. The Southwestern Naturalist, 10(1): 22-24.
  36. Harper, 1905 — Harper, E.H., 1905. Reactions to light and mechanical Stimuli in the Earthworm Perichaeta bermudensis (Beddard). Biol. Bull., X: 17-34.
  37. Harper G.L. et al., 2006 — Harper, G.L., Cesarini, S., Casey, S.P., Morgan, A.J., Kille, P., Bruford, M.W., 2006. Microsatellite markers for the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6(2): 325-327.
  38. Harrington, 1896 — Harrington, N.R., 1896. Observations on the lime-glands of the Earthworm. P.N. York Ac. Sei., Febr. 1896, Science, III, p. 454.
  39. Hartenstein et al., 1979 — Hartenstein, R., Neuhauser, E.F., Kaplan, D.L., 1979. Reproductive potential of the earthworm Eisenia foetida. Oecologia, 43: 329-340.
  40. Hartwich and Kilias, 1989 — Hartwich, G., Kilias, I., 1989. Die Oligochaeten-Typen des Zoologischen Museums in Berlin, 65 (2): 249-295.
  41. Hasyagar et al., 2021 — Hasyagar, V., Narayanan, S.P., Sreepada, K.S., Reynolds, J.W., 2021. Amynthas alexandri Beddard, 1901 (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) a new addition to the earthworm fauna of Karnataka State, Southern India. Megadrilogica, 26(3): 43-48.
  42. Havet, 1900 — Havet, J., 1900. Structure du Système nerveux des Annelides: Nephelis, Clepsine, Hirudo, Lumbriculus, Lumbricus (Méthode de Golgi). La Cellule, XVII, (63): 65-137.
  43. Haynes et al., 2003 — Haynes, R.J., Fraser, P.M., Piercy, J.E., Tregurtha, R.J., 2003. Casts of Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) and Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffmeister) differ in microbial activity, nutrient availability and aggregate stability. The 7th international symposium on earthworm ecology (Cardiff, Wales), Pedobiologia, 47(5–6): 882–887.
  44. Hazen, 1899 — Hazen, A.P., 1899. The Regeneration of a Head instead of a Tail in an Earthworm (Allolobophora foetida). Anat. Anz., XVI: 536-541.
  45. Heckmann et al., 2011 — Heckmann, L.-H., Hovgaard, M.B., Sutherland, D.S., Autrup, H., Besenbacher, F., Scott-Fordsmand, J., 2011. Limit-test toxicity screening of selected inorganic nanoparticles of the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology, 20: 226-233.
  46. Hedde et al., 2005 — Hedde, M., Joffre, R., Lavelle, P., Jiménez, J.J., Decaëns, T., 2005. Specific functional signature in soil macro-invertebrates bio-structures. Functional Ecology, 19: 783-795.
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  48. Hedde et al., 2007 — Hedde, M., Bureau, F., Aubert, M., Akpa-Vinceslas, M., Margerie, P., Decaëns, T., 2007. Beech leaf degradation in laboratory experiments: effects of height detritivore invertebrate species. Applied Soil Ecology, 35(2): 291-301.
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  51. Hedde et al., 2012 — Hedde, M., van Oort, F., Lamy, I., 2012. Functional traits of soil invertebrates as indicators for exposure to soil disturbance. Environmental Pollution, 164: 59-65.
  52. Hedde et al., 2013 — Hedde, M., Bureau, F., Delporte, P., Cécillon, L., Decaëns, T., 2013. The effects of earthworm species on soil behaviour depend on land use. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 65: 264-273.
  53. Hedde et al., 2013 — Hedde, M., van Oort, F., Boudon, E., Fabien, A., Lamy, I., 2013. Responses of soil macroinvertebrate communities to Miscanthus cropping in different trace metal contaminated soils. Biomass and Bioenergy, 55: 122-129.
  54. Hedde et al., 2013 — Hedde, M., van Oort, F., Renouf, E., Thénard, J., Lamy, I., 2013. Dynamics of soil fauna after plantation of perennial energy crops on polluted soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 66: 29-39.
  55. Heimburger, 1915 — Heimburger, H.V., 1915. Studies on earthworms of Indiana and Illinois. Master thesis, University of Illinois, United States of America, 33 pp.
  56. Heitor, 1960 — Heitor, F.P.C., 1960. Lumbricidae de Portugal. I. Identificaçao e características ecológicas de algumas espécies. Agron. Lusit., 22: 231-244.
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  58. Hendrix, 1995 — Hendrix, P.F., 1995. Earthworm Ecology and Biogeography in North America. Lewis Publishers, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, United States, 245 pp.
  59. Hendrix, 2006 — Hendrix, P.F., 2006. Biological invasions belowground: Earthworms as invasive species. Springer Verlag, Amsterdam.
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  61. Hendrix et al., 1992 — Hendrix, P.F., Mueller, B.R., Bruce, R.R., Langdale, G.W., Parmelee, R.W., 1992. Abundance and distribution of earthworms in relation to landscape factors on the Georgia Piedmont, U.S.A. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24(12): 1357–1361.
  62. Hendrix et al., 1994 — Hendrix, P.F., Callaham, Jr., M.A., James, S.W., 1994. Ecology of nearctic earthworms in the southern USA. I. Characteristics of Diplocardia longa (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) surface casts in grass, hardwood and pine microhabitats on the lower piedmont of Georgia. Megadrilogica, 5:45-51.
  63. Hendrix et al., 1999 — Hendrix, P.F.F, Callaham, Jr., M.A., Lachnicht, S.L., Blair, J.M., James, S.W., Zou, X., 1999. Stable isotopic studies of resource utilization by nearctic earthworms (Diplocardia, Oligochaeta) in subtropical savanna and forest ecosystems. Pedobiologia, 43: 818-823.
  64. Hendrix et al., 2006 — Hendrix, P.F., Baker, G.H., Callaham Jr, M.A., Damoff, G.A., Fragoso, C., Gonzalez, G., James, S.W., Lachnicht, S.L., Winsome, T., Zou, X., 2006. Invasion of exotic earthworms into ecosystems inhabited by native earthworms. Biological Invasions, 8: 1201-1204.
  65. Hendrix et al., 2008 — Hendrix, P.F., Callaham Jr., M.A., Drake, J., Huang, C.-Y., James, S.W., Snyder, B.A., Zhang, W. 2008. Pandora’s box contained bait: the global problem of introduced earthworms. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 39: 593-613.
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  68. Hernandez et al., 2003 — Hernández, P., Gutiérrez, M., Ramajo, M., Trigo, D., Díaz Cosín, D.J., 2003. Horizontal distribution of an earthworm community at El Molar, Madrid (Spain). Pedobiologia, 47: 568-573.
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  71. Hernandez, 2006 — Hernández Gordo, P., 2006. Estudio de la distribución horizontal de Hormogaster elisae (Oligochaeta, Hormogastride) en El Molar y de los factores que la regulan. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 241 pp.
  72. Hescheler, 1896 — Hescheler, K., 1896. Ueber Regenerationsvorgänge bei Lumbriciden. Jena. Zeitschr. XXX: 177-290.
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  80. Hlava and Kopecky, 2013 — Hlava, J., Kopecký, O., 2013. Earthworm population responses to deciduous forest soil acidity and vegetation cover. Scientia agriculturae bohemica, 44(3): 133-137.
  81. Hodgson and Jamieson, 1992 — Hodgson, A.N., Jamieson, B.G.M., 1992. Spermatogenesis in the earthworm Microchaetus pentheri (Oligochaeta, Microchaetidae). Zoomorphology, 112, 57-66.
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  111. Hong, 2011 — Hong, Y., 2011. Two new species of Amynthas (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from lettuce fields of Mt. Taebaek, Korea. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 118(2): 223-230.
  112. Hong, 2017 — Hong, Y., 2017. Two new earthworms of the genus Amynthas Kinberg, 1867 (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from Mt Jiri, Korea. Journal of Natural History, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2016.1260782, 8 pp.
  113. Hong, 2017b — Hong, Y., 2017. Three new species of earthworms in the Amynthas (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from Nam Xam National Protected Area, Laos. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, doi: 10.1016/j.japb.2017.04.010.
  114. Hong, 2018 — Hong, Y., 2018. Two new earthworm species of genus ‘’Pithemera’’ Sims and Easton, 1972 (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) from Mt. Tapulao, Luzon Island, Philippines. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 11: 199-202.
  115. Hong and James, 2001 — Hong, Y., James, S.W., 2001. Five new earthworms of the genus Amynthas Kinberg (Megascolecidae) with four pairs of spermathecae. Zoological Studies, 40(4): 269-275.
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