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Bibliography  Book.png  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Before 1880 | Databases / Unp. data

  1. Kale, R.D., Bano, K., 1986. Field Trials With Vermicompost. An Organic Fertilizer. In "Proc. of National Seminar on Organic Waste Utilization by Vermicomposting", GKVK Agricultural University, Bangalore, India.
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  3. Kale, R.D., Sunitha, N.S., 1995. Efficiency of Earthworms (E. Eugeniae) in Converting the Solid Waste from Aromatic Oil Extraction Industry into Vermicompost. Journal of IAEM, 22(1): 267-269.
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  9. Karaman, S., 1972. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oligochaetenfauna Jugoslawiens. Biološki vestnik, 20: 95–105.
  10. Kasprzak, K., 1979a. Oligochaeta of the Pieniny Mts. 1. Enchytraeidae. Fragm. Faun., 24: 7-56. (In Polish).
  11. Kasprzak, K., 1979b. Oligochaeta of the Pieniny Mts. 111. Earthworms (Lumbricidae). Fragm. Faun., 24: 81-95. (In Polish).
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  13. Kasprzak, K., 1982. Review of enchytraeid (Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae) community structure and function in agricultural ecosystems. Pedobiologia, 23: 217-232.
  14. Kasprzak, K., 1986a. Aquatic and soil oligochaetes, II. Family: Enchytraeidae. Klucze do oznaczania bezkrqgowców Polski, 5. PWN, Warszawa. (In Polish).
  15. Kasprzak, K., 1986b. Soil oligochaetes, 111 Family: Lumbricidae. Klucze do oznaczania bezkrqgowców Polski, 6. PWN, Warszawa. (In Polish).
  16. Kasprzak, K., Zajonc, I., 1980. Oligochaetes of the Tatra Mts. Pnegl. Zool., 24: 189-199. (In Polish).
  17. Kasprzak, K., Zajonc, I., 1981. Earthworms (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) of the Sudety Mts and Polish-Slovakian part of the Carpathians. Pnegl. Zool., 25: 495-512. (in Polish).
  18. Kaushik, P., Garg, V.K., 2004. Dynamics of biological and chemical parameters during vermicomposting of solid textile mill sludges mixed with cow dung and agricultural residues. J. of Bioresource Technology, 4: 203-209.
  19. Kaviraj, S., 2003. Municipal solid waste management through vermi-composting employing exotic and local species of earthworms. J. of Bioresource Technology, 90: 169-173.
  20. Keller, C., 1887. Reisebilder aus Ostafrika und Madagaskar, Leipzig.
  21. Kerovec, M., Mrsic, N., 1981. Oligochaeta. Catalogues faunae Jugoslaviae III/1, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 38 pp.
  22. Kille, P., Andre, J., Anderson, C., Na Ang, H., Bruford, M.W., Bundy, J.G, Donnelly, R., Hodson, M.E., Juma, G., Lahive, E., Morgan, A.J., Stürzenbaum, S.R., Spurgeon, D.J., 2013. DNA sequence variation and methylation in an arsenic tolerant earthworm population. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57: 524-532.
  23. Kim, Y.S., Pyo, M.K., Park, K.M., Hahn, B.S., Yang, K.Y., Yun-Choi, H.S., 1998. Dose dependency of earthworm powder on antithrombotic and fibrinolytic effects. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 21(4): 374-377.
  24. Kinberg, J.G.H., 1866. Annulata nova. Öfvers. K. Vetensk. Akad. Förh., 23(4): 97-103.
  25. Kinberg, J.G.H., 1867. Annulata nova. Öfv. Ak. Förh., 23.
  26. Klok, C., Zorn, M., Koolhaas, J.E., Eijsackers, H.J.P., van Gestel, C.A.M., 2006. Does reproductive plasticity in Lumbricus rubellus improve the recovery of populations in frequently inundated river floodplains? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38(3): 611-618.
  27. Kobayashi, S., 1934. Three new Korean earthworms belonging to the genus Pheretima, together with the wider range of the distribution of Pheretima hilgendorfi (Michaelsen). J. Chosen Nat. Hist. Soc., 19: 1-11. [In Japanese].
  28. Kobayashi, S., 1936. Pheretima (Ph.) vittata (Goto et Hatai) from Japan and Korea. J. Chosen Nat. Hist. Soc., 21: 52-57.
  29. Kobayashi, S., 1936b. Distribution and some external characteristics of Pheretima (Ph.) carnosa (Goto et Hatai) from Korea. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 11(1): 115-138.
  30. Kobayashi, S., 1937. On the breeding habit of the earthworms without male pores. I Isolating experiments in Pheretima hilgendorfi (Michaelsen). Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 11(4): 473-485.
  31. Kobayashi, S., 1938. Earthworms from Hakodate, Hokkaido. Annot. Zool. Japon., 17(3-4): 405-417.
  32. Kobayashi, S., 1938b. Earthworms of Korea I. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 13: 89-170.
  33. Kobayashi, S., 1939. A re-examination of Pheretima yamadai Hatai, an earthworm found in Japan and China. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., 14(2-3): 135-139.
  34. Kobayashi, S., 1940. The origin of Drawida japonica in Japan. Kagaku (Science), 10: 504. [In Japanese].
  35. Kobayashi, S., 1940b. Terrestrial Oligochaeta from Manchoukuo. The Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, IV Series, 15: 261–256.
  36. Kobayashi, S., 1941. The distribution of terrestrial earthworms of western Japan. Zool. Mag. 53: 371-384. [In Japanese].
  37. Kobayashi, S., 1941b. On the terrestrial earthworms of Shikoku, Chugoku, Kinki and central areas of Japan. Zool. Mag., 53: 258-266. [In Japanese].
  38. Kobayashi, S., 1941c. The terrestrial earthworm fauna of Kyushu, Japan. Bot. Zool., 9(4): 511-518. [In Japanese].
  39. Kobayashi, S., 1941d. Earthworm of Korea. II. The Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, (B)16: 147–156.
  40. Kováč, E., Miklisová, D., Pižl, V., 1996. Earthworm communities in arable soils of the East-Slovak Lowland. Rostlinna Vyroba, 42: 405-410.
  41. Krebs, A., Zipper, P., Vinogradov, S.N., 1996. Lack of size and shape alteration of oxygenated and deoxygenated Lumbricus terrestris hemoglobin? Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1297: 115-118.
  42. Krishnamoorthy, R.V., Vajranabhaiah, S.N., 1986. Biological Activity of Earthworm Casts: An Assessment of Plant Growth Promoter Levels in the Casts. Proc. of Indian Academy of Sciences (Animal Science), 95: 341-351.
  43. Kristůfek, V., Pižl, V., Ravasz, K., 1995. Epifluorescent microscopy of earthworms' intestinal bacteria. Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica, 42: 39-44.
  44. Kristůfek, V., Ravasz, K., Pižl, V., 1992. Changes in densities of bacteria and microfungi during gut transit in Lumbricus rubellus and Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24: 1499-1500.
  45. Kristůfek, V., Ravasz, K., Pižl, V., 1993. Actinomycte communities in earthworm guts and surrounding soil. Pedobiologia, 37: 379-384.
  46. Kristůfek, V., Tajovský, K., Pižl, V., 1994. Ultrastructural analysis of the intestinal content of earthworm Lumbricus rubellus Hoffm. (Annelida, Lumbricidae). Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica, 41: 283-290.
  47. Krivolutsky, D.A., Pokarzhevsky, A.D., 1992. Effects of radioactive fallout on soil animal populations in the 30 km zone of the Chernobyl atomic power plant. Sci. Total Environ., 112: 69-77.
  48. Krivolutsky, D.A., Pokarzhevsky, A.D., Viktorov, A.G., 1992. Earthworm populations in soils contaminated by the chernobyl atomic power station accident, 1986–1988. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24(12): 1729–1731.
  49. Kuchumov, A.R., Loo, J.A., Vinogradov, S.N., 2000. Subunit distribution of calcium-binding sites in Lumbricus terrestris hemoglobin. J. Prot. Chem., 19: 139-149.