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Bibliography  Book.png  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Before 1880 | Databases / Unp. data

  1. Sabrina et al., 2009 — Sabrina, D.T., Hanafi, M.M., Nor Azwady, A.A., Mahmud, T.M.M., 2009. Earthworm Populations and Cast Properties in the Soils of Oil Palm Plantations. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, 13: 29-42.
  2. Salome, 2011 — Salomé, C., 2011. Distribution des communautés lombriciennes et pédogenèse en forêts alluviales. Etude le long de deux gradients écologiques. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de Biologie, 153 pp.
  3. Salome et al., 2011 — Salomé, C., Guenat, C., Bullinger-Weber, G., Gobat, J.-M., Le Bayon, R.-C., 2011. Earthworm communities in alluvial forests: Influence of altitude, vegetation stages and soil parameters. 9th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, Pedobiologia, 54S: S89–S98.
  4. Sanchez et al., 1997 — Sánchez, E.G., Muñoz, B., Garvin, M.H., Jesús, J.B., Díaz Cosín, D.J., 1997. Ecological preferences of some earthworm species in southwest Spain. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 29(3): 313-316.
  5. Sanchez et al., 1998 — Sánchez, E.G., Jesús, J.B., Muñoz, B., Parejo, C., 1998. Lombrices de tierra de Cáceres, Badajoz y Huelva. I. Géneros Allolobophora, Eisenia, Eiseniella y Lumbricus (Annelida, Oligochaeta). Bol. R. Soc. Española Hist. Nat. (Sec. Biol.), 94(3-4): 31-40.
  6. Sanchez et al., 1999 — Sánchez, E.G., Jesús, J.B., Muñoz, B., 1999. Lombrices de tierra en Cáceres, Badajoz y Huelva. II. Familias Acanthodrilidae (género Microscolex), Megascolecidae (género Amynthas), Ocnerodrilidae (género Eukerria) y otros Lumbricidae (géneros Dendrobaena, Octodrilus y Octolasion). Bol. R. Soc. Española Hist. Nat. (Sec. Biol.), 95(1-2): 57-62.
  7. Santelices et al., 1973 — Santelices, M., Irribarra, V., Valdes, R., Silva, F., 1973. Sobre algunos oligoquetos del Norte Chico (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae-Megascolecidae). Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso, 6: 67–74.
  8. Sapkarev, 1971 — Šapkarev, J., 1971. Neue Regenwürmer Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) aus Mazedonien. Fragmenta Balcanica Skopje, 8: 149–164.
  9. Sapkarev, 1972 — Šapkarev, J., 1972. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Lumbricidenfauna Jugoslawiens. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 24 (1-2): 73-86.
  10. Sapkarev, 1972b — Šapkarev, J., 1972. The fauna of earthworms of Macedonia. The earthworms of the valley of Pelagonia. Fragmenta Balcanica, Skopje, 9: 125-135.
  11. Sapkarev, 1972c — Šapkarev, J., 1972. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lumbricidenfauna Griechenlands. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 4: 31-36.
  12. Sapkarev, 1973 — Šapkarev, J., 1973. The Fauna of Earthworms of Macedonia. 4. The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the valley of Strumica. Godišen zbornik PMF, 25: 41-49.
  13. Sapkarev, 1974 — Šapkarev, J., 1974. The Fauna of Earthworms of Macedonia. 5. The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the Tikveš Valley. Godišen zbornik PMF, 26: 45-53.
  14. Sapkarev, 1975 — Šapkarev, J., 1975. Contribution to the knowledge the earthworms (Lumbricidae) and leeches (Hirudinea) of Kosovo, Yugoslavia. Annuaire de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Skopje, 27: 39–54.
  15. Sapkarev, 1975b — Šapkarev, J., 1975. Neuere Angaben zur Kenntnis der Regenwürmer (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) aus Montenegro, Jugoslawien. Annales of Science Faculty (Godišen Zbornik PMF), Skopje, 27: 28-38.
  16. Sapkarev, 1976 — Šapkarev, J., 1976. Distribution of Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Macedonia. Prirodno naučni muzej, 7: 107-120.
  17. Sapkarev, 1977 — Šapkarev, J., 1977. Contribution to the Knowledge of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Slovenia, Yugoslavia. Godišen zbornik, 30: 47-56.
  18. Sapkarev, 1977b — Šapkarev, J., 1977. The fauna of earthworms of Macedonie, 7. The earthworms (Olig. Lumbricidae) of Ohrid-Struga valley. Ann. Fac. Biol. Univ. Kiril et Metodij Skopje, 30: 275.
  19. Sapkarev, 1978 — Šapkarev, J., 1978. Kišne gliste Jugoslavije. Sadašnja taksonomska proučenost i njihova dalja istraživanja. Biosistematika, 4: 293-304.
  20. Sapkarev, 1978b — Šapkarev, J., 1978. Fauna de Macedonie IV. (Oligochaeta-Annelida). Natural History Museum, Skopje, 116 pp. [Doždovni glisti : Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta-Annelida). Fauna na Makedonija, Skopje].
  21. Sapkarev, 1978c — Šapkarev, J., 1978. Prilog poznavanju kišnih glisti (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) Vojvodine, Matica Srpska. Zbornik za Prirodne Nauke, 54: 255-256.
  22. Sapkarev, 1979 — Šapkarev, J., 1979. Contribution to the knowledge of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Croatia, Yugoslavia. Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja, Sarajevo, 18: 125-141.
  23. Sapkarev, 1979b — Šapkarev, J., 1979. Lumbricidna fauna na Makedonija. Doždovni glisti (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) od Ovčepolska kotlina. Godišen zbornik, 32: 5–16.
  24. Sapkarev, 1980 — Šapkarev, J., 1980. Prilog poznavanju kišnih glista (Lumbricidae) SR Srbije. Zbornik radova faune Srbije, 1: 165-179.
  25. Sapkarev, 1983 — Šapkarev, J., 1983. Dinamika gustine populacija i biomase Allolobophora rosea macedonica Rosa, 1892 (Oligochaeta:Lumbricidae) u ass. Quercetum frainetto cerris nacionalnog parka Galičica. God. Biol.inst., Sarajevo, 36: 207-225.
  26. Sapkarev, 1983b — Šapkarev, J., 1983. The fauna of earthworms (Lumbricidae) and leeches (Hirudinea) from Maleš and Pijanec. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts: 89-104.
  27. Sapkarev, 1984 — Šapkarev, J., 1984. Population dynamics of Octolasion lacteum Orley 1881 (Oligochaeta- Lumbricidae) in the soil of a forest ecosystem in Macedonia. Section of biological and medical sciences of the Masa, 2: 33-51.
  28. Sapkarev, 1986 — Šapkarev, J., 1986. Earthworm fauna of Bulgaria (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Fragmenta Balcanica, 13: 77–94.
  29. Sapkarev, 1986b — Šapkarev, J., 1986. Nove kišne gliste Srbije. Macedonian Academy of Sciences, 4: 297-318.
  30. Sapkarev, 1986c — Šapkarev, J., 1986. Description of new species of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Yugoslavia. Macedonian Academy of Sciences, 7: 33-46.
  31. Sapkarev, 1987 — Šapkarev, J., 1987. Composition and dynamics of the earthworm fauna (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of a forest ecosystem in Macedonia. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthworms, Bologna: 349-357.
  32. Sapkarev, 1988 — Šapkarev, J., 1988. Contribution to the knowledge of the earthworm fauna of Serbia, Yugoslavia (Lumbricids of Šumadija). Fragmenta Balcanica Mus. mac. sci. Nat., 5(14): 17-24.
  33. Sapkarev, 1988b — Šapkarev, J., 1988. Revision of the genus Allolobophora Eisen, 1874 sensu Pop, 1941 (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta). Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium: 1-38.
  34. Sapkarev, 1989 — Šapkarev, J., 1989. Description of new species of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Yugoslavia. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 7 (1-2): 33-36.
  35. Sapkarev, 1991 — Šapkarev, J., 1991. A new subspecies of Allolobophora dofleini Ude, 1922 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae), endemic earthworm of Macedonia. Godišen zbornik Biologija, 43-44: 51–53.
  36. Sapkarev, 1993 — Šapkarev, J., 1993. The species of the genera Dendrodrilus Omodeo 1956, Dendrobaena Eisen, 1874 and Fitzingeria Zicsi, 1973 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) of the lumbricid fauna in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Fragmenta Balcanica, Skopje, 15: 15–31.
  37. Sapkarev, 1994 — Šapkarev, J., 1994. Communities of the earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in the soli of various plant associations of the Skopje valley, Macedonia. Ekologija i Zaštita na Životnata Sredina, 2(1): 47-57.
  38. Sapkarev, 1997 — Šapkarev, J., 1997. High degree of endemicity of lumbricid fauna in the Balkans. Natural Science, 4(2): 103-108.
  39. Sapkarev, 2001 — Šapkarev, J., 2001. Contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of Annelida from Pelister National Park, the Republic of Macedonia. In "75 years of Macedonian Museum of Natural History" by Boskova, T. (ed.), Skopje, pp. 107–124.
  40. Sapkarev, 2002 — Šapkarev, J., 2002. Rasprostranjenje kišnih glista središnje Srbije. Zbornik radova o fauni Srbije, SANU, Belgrade, pp. 307-318.
  41. Sarkar and Bandyopadhyay, 2012 — Sarkar, S., Bandyopadhyay, P.K., 2012. Studies on the biodiversity of aseptate gregarine parasite from the Oligochaete host of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Zool., 40(1): 51-58.
  42. Sarwar et al., 2006 — Sarwar, M., Nadeem, A., Khalid Iqbal, K., Shafiq, T., 2006. Biodiversity of earthworms species relative to different flora. Punjab Univ. J. Zool., 21(1-2): 1-7.
  43. Satchell, 1955 — Satchell, J.E., 1955. Some Aspects of Earthworm Ecology. In "Soil Zoology", by McE. Kevan, D.K. (ed.), Butterwoth, London, UK, pp. 180–201.
  44. Satchell, 1980 — Satchell, J.E., 1980. r worms and K worms: a basis for classifying lumbricid earthworm strategies. In "Soil biology as related to land use practices", by Dindal, D.L., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., pp. 848-864.
  45. Satchell, 1983 — Satchell, J.E., 1983. Earthworm Ecology: From Darwin to Vermiculture, Chapman and Hall, London, UK, 495 pp.
  46. Satheeshkumar et al., 2011 — Satheeshkumar, P., Anisa Basheer Khan, Senthilkumar, D., 2011. Annelida, Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae, Pontodrilus litoralis (Grupe, 1985): First Record from Pondicherry Mangroves, Southeast Coast of India. International Journal of Zoological Research, 7: 406-409, DOI: 10.3923/ijzr.2011.406.409.
  47. Sathianarayan and Khan, 2006 — Sathianarayan, A., Khan, A.B., 2006. Diversity, distribution and abundance of earthworms in Pandicherry region. Tropical Ecology, 47(1): 139-144.
  48. Sathrumithra et al., 2018 — Sathrumithra, S., Narayanan, S.P., Anuja, R., Kurien, P., Thomas, A.P., Julka, J.M., Reynolds, J.W., 2018. Diversity of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in Konni, a part of the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Megadrilogica, 23(3): 57-68.
  49. Saussey, 1957 — Saussey, M., 1957. A case of commensalism in the lumbricids. Bull Soc. Ent. Fr., 62: 15-19.
  50. Saussey, 1962 — Saussey, M., 1962. Influence de l'ablation des centres nerveuses antérieurs sur la régénération postérieure d' Allolobophora icterica (oligochètes Lumbricidae). C.r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, 255: 1363-1364.
  51. Saussey, 1963 — Saussey, M., 1963. Neurosécrétion et régénération caudale chez Allolobophora icterica (oligochètes Lumbricidae). C.r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, 256: 4078-4080.
  52. Saussey, 1963b — Saussey, M., 1963. Effects de la décérébration et de l'amputation caudale sur la spermatogenèse d' Allolobophora icterica (oligochètes, Lumbricidae). C.r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, 257: 511-513.
  53. Saussey, 1966 — Saussey, M., 1966. Contribution à l’étude des phénomènes de diapause et régénération caudale chez Allolobophora icterica (Savigny) (Oligochète, Lombricien). Thèse. Mém. Soc. Lin. Normandie, 1: 1-158.
  54. Saussey, 1970 — Saussey, M., 1970. Quelques aspects de la sexualité chez les lombriciens. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 95: 479-489.
  55. Saussey, 1971 — Saussey, M., 1971. Elude préliminaire du problème de la croissance post-embryonnaire chez Allolohophora terrestris (Savigny) f. typica (Oligochete, Lombricien). Ext. Bull. Soc. Linn. de Normandie., 102: 93-104.
  56. Saussey, 1981 — Saussey, M., 1981. Cycle de reproduction d’un lombricien anécique: Nicodrilus giardi (Ribaucourt) ses relations avec les facteurs du milieu. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 106: 269-275.
  57. Saussey and Song, 1981 — Saussey, M., Song, M.J., 1981. Le problème des néoformations caudales successives chez Nicodrilus giardi (Ribaucourt) (Oligochète, Lombricien)]. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 292: 49-53.
  58. Saussey and Debout, 1984 — Saussey, M., Debout, G., 1984. Nouvelles données sur le déterminisme de la diapause de Nicodrilus giardi (Ribaucourt) (Oligochète, Lombricien). Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Série 3, 299(2): 35-38. [English: New data on the causation of diapause in Nicodrilus giardi (Ribaucourt) (Olygochaeta, lumbricidae)].
  59. Sautter et al., 2006 — Sautter, K.D., Brown, G.G., James, S.W., Pasini, A., Nunes, D.H., Benito, N.P., 2006. Present knowledge on earthworm biodiversity in the State of Paraná, Brazil. European Journal of Soil Biology, 42: S296-S300.
  60. Saxena et al., 2014 — Saxena, P.N., Gupta, S.K., Murthy, R.C., 2014. Comparative toxicity of carbaryl, carbofuran, cypermethrin and fenvalerate in Metaphire posthuma and Eisenia fetida - A possible mechanism. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 100: 218-225.
  61. Schaefer et al., 2005 — Schaefer, M., Petersen, S.O., Filsera, J., 2005. Effects of Lumbricus terrestris, Allolobophora chlorotica and Eisenia fetida on microbial community dynamics in oil-contaminated soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37(11): 2065–2076.
  62. Schaufler, 1895 — Schaufler, L., 1895. Der Regenwurm und seine Bedeutung im Haushalte der Natur. Mit 1 tab. 25. Progr. k. k. Staats- Gymnas. u. d. gewerbl. Fortbildungsschule in Oberhollabrunn 1895, p. 1-16.
  63. Schenkova and Kroca, 2007 — Schenkova, J., Kroca, J., 2007. Seasonal Changes of an Oligochaetous Clitellata (Annelida) Community in a Mountain Stream. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Environmentalica, 21: 143-150.
  64. Scheu, 1987 — Scheu, S., 1987. Microbial activity and nutrient dynamics in earthworm casts (Lumbricidae). Biology and Fertility of Soils, 5: 230-234.
  65. Scheu, 1987 — Scheu, S., 1987. The influence of earthworms (Lumbricidae) on the nitrogen dynamics in the soil litter system of a deciduous forest. Oecologia, 72: 197-201.
  66. Scheu, 1987 — Scheu, S., 1987. The role of substrate feeding earthworms (Lumbricidae) for bioturbation in a beechwood soil. Oecologia, 72: 192-196.
  67. Scheu, 1990 — Scheu, S., 1990. Changes in microbial nutrient status during secondary succession and its modification by earthworms. Oecologia, 84: 351-358.
  68. Scheu, 1991 — Scheu, S., 1991. Mucus excretion and carbon turnover of endogeic earthworms. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 12: 217-220.
  69. Scheu, 1992 — Scheu, S., 1992. Automated measurement of the respiratory response of soil microcompartments: Active microbial biomass in earthworm faeces. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24: 1113-1118.
  70. Scheu, 1992 — Scheu, S., 1992. Changes in the lumbricid coenosis during secondary succession from a wheat field to a beechwood on limestone. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposion on Earthworm Ecology (Avignon 1990), Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24: 1641-1646.
  71. Scheu, 1993 — Scheu, S., 1993. Analysis of the microbial nutrient status in soil microcompartments: Earthworm faeces from a basalt - limestone gradient. Geoderma, 56: 575-586.
  72. Scheu, 1993 — Scheu, S., 1993. Cellulose and lignin decomposition in soils of different ecosystems on limestone as affected by earthworm processing. Pedobiologia, 37: 167-177.
  73. Scheu, 1993 — Scheu, S., 1993. Litter microflora - soil macrofauna interactions in lignin decomposition: a laboratory experiment with 14-C-labelled lignin. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 25: 1703-1711.
  74. Scheu, 1994 — Scheu, S., 1994. The influence of earthworms (Lumbricidae) on nitrogen mobilization in different ecosystems on limestone. Mitteilungen des Hamburger Zoologischen Instituts und Museums, 89(2): 129-137.
  75. Scheu, 1994 — Scheu, S., 1994. There is an earthworm mobilizable nitrogen pool in soil. Pedobiologia, 38: 243-249.
  76. Scheu, 1995 — Scheu, S., 1995. Mixing of litter and soil by earthworms: Effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics - a laboratory experiment. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 196: 33-40.
  77. Scheu, 1997 — Scheu, S., 1997. Effects of litter (beech and stinging nettles) and earthworms (Octolasion lacteum) on carbon and nutrient cycling in beech forests on a basalt - limestone gradient: a laboratory experiment. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 24: 384-393.
  78. Scheu, 2003 — Scheu, S., 2003. Effects of earthworms on plant growth: patterns and perspectives. Pedobiologia, 47: 846-856.
  79. Scheu and McLean, 1993 — Scheu, S., McLean, M.A., 1993. The earthworm (Lumbricidae) distribution in Alberta (Canada). Megadrilogica, 4: 175-180.
  80. Scheu and Parkinson, 1994 — Scheu, S., Parkinson, D., 1994. Effects of earthworms on nutrient dynamics, carbon turnover, and microorganisms in soil from cool temperate forests of the Canadian Rocky Mountains - laboratory studies. Applied Soil Ecology, 1: 113-125.
  81. Scheu and Schauermann, 1994 — Scheu, S., Schauermann, J., 1994. Decomposition of roots and twigs: Effects of wood type (beech and ash), diameter, site of exposure and macrofauna exclusion. Plant and Soil, 163: 13-24.
  82. Scheu and Poser, 1996 — Scheu, S., Poser, G., 1996. The soil macrofauna (Diplopoda, Isopoda, Lumbricidae and Chilopoda) near trunks in a beechwood on limestone: Effects of stemflow induced soil acidification on community structure. Applied Soil Ecology, 3: 115-125.
  83. Scheu and Schulz, 1996 — Scheu, S., Schulz, E., 1996. Secondary succession, soil formation and development of a diverse community of saprophagous soil macro-invertebrates and oribatids. Biodiversity and Conservation, 5: 235-250.
  84. Scheu and Falca, 2000 — Scheu, S., Falca, M., 2000. The soil food web of two beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) of contrasting humus form: stable isotope analysis of a macro- and mesofauna dominated community. Oecologia, 123: 285-296.
  85. Scheu et al., 1993 — Scheu, S., Wirth, S., Eberhardt, U., 1993. Decomposition of cellulose in litter and soil of a beechwood on limestone: Short- and long-term incubations with three 14-C-labelled cellulose substrates. Microbial Ecology, 25: 287-304.
  86. Scheu et al., 1999 — Scheu, S., Theenhaus, A., Jones, T.H., 1999. Links between the detritivore and the herbivore system: effects of earthworms and collembolans on plant growth and aphid development. Oecologia, 119: 541-551.
  87. Scheu et al., 2002 — Scheu, S., Schlitt, N., Tiunov, A.V., Newington, J.E., Jones, T.H., 2002. Effects of presence and community composition of earthworms on microbial community functioning. Oecologia, 133: 254-260.
  88. Scheu et al., 2008 — Scheu, S., Illig, J., Eissfeller, V., Krashevska, V., Sandmann, D., Maraun, M., 2008. The soil fauna of a tropical mountain rainforest in southern Ecuador: structure and functioning. In "The tropical mountain forest – Patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot", by Gradstein, S.R., Homeier, J. and Gansert, D. (eds.) . Biodiversity and Ecology, Series 2 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen): 79-96.
  89. Schlaghamersky and Pizl, 2009 — Schlaghamerský, J., Pižl, V., 2009. Enchytraeids and earthworms (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae) of parks in the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Soil Organisms, 81(2): 145–173.
  90. Schmidt, 1999 — Schmidt, O., 1999. Intrapopulation variation in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in the earthworm Aporrectodea longa. Ecological Research, 14(4): 317-328.
  91. Schmidt, 2001 — Schmidt, O., 2001. Time-limited soil sorting for long-term monitoring of earthworm populations. Pedobiologia, 45(1): 69-83.
  92. Schmidt and Curry, 1999 — Schmidt, O., Curry, J.P., 1999. Effects of earthworms on biomass production, nitrogen allocation and nitrogen transfer in wheat-clover intercropping model systems. Plant and Soil, 214(1-2): 187-198.
  93. Schmidt and Ostle, 1999 — Schmidt, O., Ostle, N.J., 1999. Tracing nitrogen derived from slurry in earthworms using 15N/14N stable isotope ratios at natural abundances. Applied Soil Ecology, 12(1): 7-13.
  94. Schmidt and Curry, 2001 — Schmidt, O., Curry, J.P., 2001. Population dynamics of earthworms (Lumbricidae) and their role in nitrogen turnover in wheat and wheatclover cropping systems. Pedobiologia, 45(2): 174-187.
  95. Schmidt et al., 1999 — Schmidt, O., Scrimgeour, C.M., Handley, L.L., 1999. Natural abundance of 15 N and 13 C in earthworms from a wheat and a wheat-clover field. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 29(9): 1301-1308.
  96. Schmidt et al., 1999b — Schmidt, O., Scrimgeour, C.M., Curry, J.P., 1999. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in body tissue and mucus of feeding and fasting earthworms (Lumbricus festivus). Oecologia, 118(1): 9-15.
  97. Schmidt et al., 2002 — Schmidt, O., Dyckmans, J., Scrimgeour, C.M., 2002. Isotopic labelling of earthworms: comments on the paper by Whalen and Janzen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35(6): 875-876.
  98. Schmidt et al., 2003 — Schmidt, O., Clements, R.O., Donaldson, G., 2003. Why do cereal–legume intercrops support large earthworm populations? Applied Soil Ecology, 22(2): 181-190.
  99. Schmidt P., 1918 — Schmidt, P., 1918. Anabiosis of the earthworm. J. Exp. Zool., 37: 57-72.
  100. Schmidtmajerova, 2012 — Schmidtmajerová, E., 2012. Vliv substrátu na produkci žížal Dendrobaena veneta. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zemědělská fakulta, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 24 pp. [In Czech. English title: Substrate influence to produce the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta].
  101. Schneider, 1896 — Schneider, G., 1896. Ueber phagocytäre Organe und Chloragogenzellen der Oligochaeten. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., LXI: 363-392.
  102. Schnug et al., 2013 — Schnug, L., Jakob, L., Hartnik, T., 2013. The toxicity of a ternary biocide mixture to two consecutive earthworm (Eisenia fetida) generations. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32(4): 937-947.
  103. Schon et al., 2008 — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Minor, M.A., Yeates, G.W., Hedley, M.J., 2008. Soil fauna in grazed New Zealand hill country pastures at two management intensities. Applied Soil Ecology, 40: 218-228.
  104. Schon et al., 2010 — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Yeates, G.W., Minor, M.A., 2010. Separating the effects of defoliation and dairy cow treading pressure on the abundance and diversity of soil invertebrates in pastures. Applied Soil Ecology, 46: 209-221.
  105. Schon et al., 2011 — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Gray, R.A., Minor, M.A., 2011. Influence of phosphorus inputs and sheep treading pressures on soil macrofauna and mesofauna in hill pastures on an Andosol and a Luvisol. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 54: 83-96.
  106. Schon et al., 2011b — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Minor, M.A., 2011. Earthworms in New Zealand sheep- and dairy-grazed pastures with focus on anecic Aporrectodea longa. Pedobiologia, 54: S131-137.
  107. Schon et al., 2011c — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Minor, M.A., 2011. Soil fauna in sheep-grazed hill pastures under organic and conventional livestock management and in an adjacent ungrazed pasture. Pedobiologia, 54: 161-168.
  108. Schon et al., 2014 — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Gray, R.A., Dodd, M.B., 2014. The action of an anecic earthworm (Aporrectodea longa) on vertical soil carbon distribution in New Zealand pastures several decades after their introduction. European Journal of Soil Biology.
  109. Schon et al., 2014b — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Gray, R.A., Bowatte, S., Theobald, P., Dodd, M.B., 2014. Earthworm functional diversity key to nitrogen dynamics.
  110. Schon et al., 2014c — Schon, N.L., Mackay, A.D., Gray, R.A., Dodd, M.B., van Koten, C., 2014. Quantifying dung carbon incorporation by earthworms. European Journal of Soil Science.
  111. Schwert, 1976 — Schwert, D.P., 1976. Recent records of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from central New York state. Megadrilogica, 2(10): 7-8.
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