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Bibliography  Book.png  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Before 1880 | Databases / Unp. data

  1. Abbott, 1994 — Abbott, I., 1994. Distribution of the native earthworm fauna of Australia: a continent-wide perspective. Aust. J. Soil Res., 32: 117-126.
  2. Abdul Rida, 1992 — Abdul Rida, A.M.M., 1992. Biosurveillance de la contamination du sol : Apport de l'étude des lombriciens à l'évaluation des risques liés aux éléments traces. Documents Pédozoologiques, Montpellier, France, I(4), 234 pp.
  3. Abdul Rida, 1994 — Abdul Rida, A.M.M., 1994. Les vers de terre et l'environnement. La Recherche, 25: 260-267.
  4. Abdul Rida and Bouche, 1995 — Abdul Rida, A.M.M., Bouché, M.B., 1995. The eradication of an earthworrn genus by heavy metals in southern France. Appl. Sail. Ecol., 2: 45-52.
  5. Adamowicz and Wojtaszek, 2001 — Adamowicz, A., Wojtaszek, J., 2001. Morphology and phagocytotic activity of coelomocytes in Dendrobaena veneta (Lumbricidae). Zoologica Poloniae, 46(1-4): 91-104.
  6. Adis and Righi, 1989 — Adis, J., Righi, G., 1989. Mass migration and life cycle adaptation – a survival strategy of terrestrial earthworms in Central Amazonian inundation forest. Amazoniana, 11, 23–30.
  7. Aira et al., 2007 — Aira, M., Monroy, F., Dominguez, J., 2007. Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) modifies the structure and physiological capabilities of microbial communities improving carbon mineralization during vermicomposting of pig manure. Microbial Ecology, 54: 662–671.
  8. Aiyer, 1929 — Aiyer, K.S.P., 1929. An Account of the Oligochaeta of Travancore. Eec. Ind. Museum, 31.
  9. Alauzet et al., 2001 — Alauzet, N., Roussos, S., Garreau, H., Vert, M., 2001. Microflora Dynamics in Earthworms Casts in an Artificial Soil (Biosynthesol) Containing Lactic Acid Oligomers. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 44(2).
  10. Albani et al., 2003 — Albani, J.R., Demuynck, S., Grumiaux, F., Leprêtre, A., 2003. Fluorescence fingerprints of Eisenia fetida and Eisenia andrei. Photochem. Photobiology, 78: 599-602.
  11. Alekseeva et al., 2006 — Alekseeva, T., Besse, P., Binet, F., Delort, A.M., Forano, C., Le Bris-Josselin, N., Sancelme, M., Tixier, C., 2006. Effect of earthworm activity (Aporrectodea giardi) on atrazine adsorption and biodegradation. European Journal of Soil Science, 57(3): 295-307.
  12. Alle et al., 1930 — Alle, W.C., Torvick, M.M., Lahr, J.P., Hollister, P.L., 1930. Influence of soil reactions on earthworms. Physiol. Zool., 3: 164-200.
  13. Altman, 1936 — Altman, L.C., 1936. Oligochaeta of Washington. U. of Wash. Pub. In BioI., 4 (1): 1-137.
  14. Anderson et al., 2013 — Anderson, C.J., Kille, P., Lawlor, A.J., Spurgeon, D.J., 2013. Life-history effects of arsenic toxicity in clades of the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Environmental Pollution, 172: 200-207.
  15. Andre, 1963 — André, F., 1963. Contribution à l’analyse expérimentale de la reproduction des Lombriciens. Bull. biol. Fr. Belg., 81, 1: 1-101.
  16. Andrews, 1895 — Andrews, E.A., 1895. Conjugation of the brandling. Amer. Nat., 29: 1021-1027.
  17. Arriaga-Becerra, 1985 — Arriaga-Becerra, R.E., 1985. Estudio prelinúnar de la macrofauna de invertebrados de las playas arenosas de Quintana Roo y Yucatán (México) y su relación con el sedimento. Fac. Ciencias, UNAM, Tesis, ii, 83 pp.
  18. Atkinson, 1957 — Atkinson, R.J.C., 1957. Worms and weathering. Antiquity, 31: 219-233.
  19. Atlavinyte, 1975 — Atlavinyte, 0., 1975. Ecology of earthworms and their effect on the fertility of soils in the Lithuanian SSR. Ed.
  20. Atlavinyte and Payarskaite, 1962 — Atlavinyte, O., Payarskaite, A.I., 1962. The effect of erosion on earthworms (Lumbricidae) during the growing season. Zool. Zh., 41: 1631–1636.
  21. Atlavinyte and Vanagas, 1973 — Atlavinyte, 0., Vanagas, J., 1973. Mobility of nutritive substances in relation to worm numbers in the soil. Pedobiologia, 13: 344-352.
  22. Atlavinyte and Zimkuviene, 1985 — Atlavinyte, O., Zimkuviene, A., 1985. The effect of earthworms on barley crop in the soil of various density. Pedobiologia, 28: 305-310.
  23. Auclerc et al., 2011 — Auclerc, A., Nahmani, J.Y., Huguier, P., Capowiez, Y., Aran, D., Guérold, F., 2011. Adapting ecotoxicological tests based on earthworm behavior to assess the potential effectiveness of forest soil liming. Pedobiologia, 54S: 63-68.
  24. Auclerc et al., 2012 — Auclerc, A., Nahmani, J.Y., Aran, D., Baldy, V., Callot, H., Gers, C., Lorio, E., Lapied, E., Lassauce, A., Pasquet, A., Spelda, J., Rossi, J.P., Guérold, F., 2012. Changes in soil macroinvertebrate communities following liming of acidified forested catchments in the Vosges Mountains (North-Eastern France). Ecological Engineering, 42: 260-269.
  25. Auclerc et al., 2013 — Auclerc, A., Capowiez, Y., Guérold, F., Nahmani, J.Y., 2013. Application of X-ray tomography to evaluate liming impact on earthworm burrowing activity in an acidic forest soil under laboratory conditions. Geoderma, 202-203: 45-50.
  26. Avel, 1929 — Avel, M., 1929. Recherches expérimentales sur les caractères sexuels somatiques des Lombriciens. Bull. biol. Fr. Belg., 63: 149-318.
  27. Avel, 1959 — Avel, M., 1959. Classe des Annélides Oligochètes. In "Précis de zoologie" by Grassé, P.P., Masson et Cie (ed.), Paris, 5(1): 224-470.