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Bibliography  Book.png  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Before 1880 | Databases / Unp. data

  1. Eabes, 1901 — Eabes, 0., 1901. Ueber Transplantationsversuche an Lumbriciden. Biol. Centralbl., XXI: 633-650.
  2. Eabes, 1901b — Eabes, 0., 1901. Transplantationsversuche an Lumbriciden. Histologie und Physiologie der Transplantationen. Arch. Entwicklungsmech., XIII: 239-352.
  3. Easton, 1976 — Easton, E.G., 1976. Taxonomy and distribution of the Metapheretima elongata species-complex of Indo-Australasian earthworms (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta). Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.), 30: 31-51.
  4. Easton, 1979 — Easton, E.G., 1979. A revision of the "acaecate" earthworms of the Pheretima group (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta): Archipheretima, Metapheretima, Planapheretima, Pleinogaster and Polypheretima. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.), 35 (1): 1-126.
  5. Easton, 1981 — Easton, E.G., 1981. Japanese earthworms: a synopsis of the Megadrile species (Oligochaeta). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), 40(2): 33-65.
  6. Easton, 1982 — Easton, E.G., 1982. Australian pheretimoid earthworms (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta): a synopsis with the description of a new genus and five new species. Aust. J. Zool., 30: 711-735.
  7. Easton, 1983 — Easton, E.G., 1983. A guide to the valid names of Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta). In "Earthworm Ecology, from Darwin to Vermiculture." by Satchell, J.E., Chapmann and Hall, pp. 475-485.
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  11. Edmonds and Jamieson, 1973 — Edmonds, S.J., Jamieson, B.G.M., 1973. A new genus and species of earthworm (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 97: 23-27.
  12. Edwards, 1965 — Edwards, C.A., 1965. Effects ofpesticide residues on soil invertebrates and plants. Oxford, 5th Symp. Br. Ecol. Soc., pp. 239-261.
  13. Edwards, 1970 — Edwards, C.A., 1970. Effects of herbicides on the soil fauna. Proc. 10th Weed Control Conf., 3: 1052-1062.
  14. Edwards, 1980 — Edwards, C.A., 1980. Interactions between agricultural practice and earthworms. In "Soil Biology as Related to Land Use Practices", by Dindal, D.L. (ed.), Proc. VIIth Int. Coli. Soil Zool., E.P.A. Washington DC, pp. 3–12.
  15. Edwards, 1983 — Edwards, C.A., 1983. Earthworm ecology in cultivated soils. In "Earthworm Ecology", by Satchell, J.E. (ed.), Chapman and Hall Ltd, pp. 123-137.
  16. Edwards, 1988 — Edwards, C.A., 1988. Breakdown of animal, vegetable and industrial organic wastes by earthworms. In "Earthworms in Waste and Environmental Management" by Edwards, C.A. and Neuhauser, E.F. (Eds.), SPB, The Hague, pp. 21-31.
  17. Edwards, 2004 — Edwards, C.A., 2004. Earthworm ecology. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 448 pp.
  18. Edwards and Dennis, 1960 — Edwards, C.A., Dennis, E.B., 1960. Some effects of aldrin and DDT on soil fauna or arable land. Nature, Lond., 188(4572): 767.
  19. Edwards and Lofty, 1972 — Edwards, C.A., Lofty, J.R., 1972. Biology of earthworms. Chapman and Hall, London, 283 pp.
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  24. Edwards and Lofty, 1980 — Edwards, C.A., Lofty, J.R., 1980. Effects of earthworm inoculation upon root growth of direct drilled cereals. J. Appl. Ecol., 17: 533–543.
  25. Edwards and Lofty, 1982 — Edwards, C.A., Lofty, J.R., 1982. The effect of direct drilling and minimal cultivation on earthworm populations. J. Appl. Ecol., 19: 723–724.
  26. Edwards and Lofty, 1982b — Edwards, C.A., Lofty, J.R., 1982. Nitrogenous fertilizers and earthworm populations in agricultural soils. Soil Biol. Biochem., 14: 515–521.
  27. Edwards and Neuhauser, 1988 — Edwards, C.A., Neuhauser, E.F., 1988. Earthworms in Waste and Environmental Management. SPB Academic Publ. Co., The Hague, Netherlands, 391 pp.
  28. Edwards and Niedere, 1988 — Edwards, C.A., Niedere, A., 1988. The production and processing of earthworm protein. In "Earthworm in Waste and Environmental Management", by Edwards, C.A. and Neuhauser, E.F. (eds.), SPB Academic Publ. Co., The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 211-220.
  29. Edwards and Bohlen, 1996 — Edwards, C.A., Bohlen, P.J., 1996. The Biology and Ecology of Earthworms (3rd Ed.), Chapman & Hall, 426 pp.
  30. Edwards et al., 1967 — Edwards, C.A., Dennis, E.B., Empson, D.W., 1967. Pesticides and the soil fauna. 1. Effects of aldrin and DDT in an arable field. Ann. Appl. Biol., 60: 11-22.
  31. Edwards et al., 1969 — Edwards, C.A., Reichle, D.E., Crossley, D.A.Jr, 1969. Experimental manipulation of soil invertebrate populations for trophic studies. Ecology, 50(3): 495-498.
  32. Edwards et al., 1970 — Edwards, C.A., Whiting, A.E., Heath, G.W., 1970. A mechanized washing method for separation of invertebrates from soil. Pedobiologia, 18(5): 141-148.
  33. Edwards et al., 1998 — Edwards, C.A., Dominguez, J., Neuhauser, E.F., 1998. Growth and reproduction of Perionyx excavatus (Perr.) (Megascolecidae) as factors in organic waste management. Biol. Fertil. Soils, 27: 155–161.
  34. Edwards et al., 2010 — Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q., Sherman, R.L., 2010. Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 623 pp.
  35. Egert et al., 2004 — Egert, M., Marhan, S., Wagner, B., Scheu, S., Friedrich, M.W., 2004. Molecular profiling of 16S rRNA genes reveals diet-related differences of microbial communities in soil, gut, and casts of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 48(2): 187-197.
  36. Ehouman et al., 2012 — Ehouman, N.M., Tiho, S., Dagnogo, M., 2012. Co-occurrence of earthworms in Lamto savanna: A null model analysis of community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology, 53: 40-47.
  37. Ehrmann et al., 2002 — Ehrmann, O., Sommer, M., Vollmer, T., 2002. Regenwürmer. In "Böden als Lebensraum für Organismen - Regenwürmer, Gehäuseschnecken und Bodenmikroorganismen in Wäldern Baden-Württembergs", by Sommer, M., Ehrmann, O., Friedel, J.K., Martin, K., Vollmer, T. and Turian, G. (eds), Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche, 63: 13–52.
  38. Eijsackers, 1983 — Eijsackers, H., 1983. Development of earthworm populations in abandoned arable fields under grazing management. In "Earthworm Ecology. From Darwin to Vermiculture", by Satchell, J.E. (ed.), Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 241–246.
  39. Eijsackers, 2010 — Eijsackers, H., 2010. Earthworms as colonisers: Primary colonisation of contaminated land, and sediment and soil waste deposits. Science of the Total Environment, 408: 1759–1769.
  40. Eijsackers et al., 2001 — Eijsackers, H., van Gestel, C.A.M., de Jonge, S., Muijs, B., Slijkerman, D.M.E., 2001. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-polluted dredged peat sediments and earthworms: a mutual interference. Ecotoxicology, 10: 35-50.
  41. Eijsackers et al., 2005 — Eijsackers, H., Beneke, P., Maboeta, M., Louw, J.P.E., Reinecke, A.J., 2005. The implications of copper fungicide usage in vineyards for earthworm activity and resulting sustainable soil quality. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 62: 99-111.
  42. Eijsackers et al., 2009 — Eijsackers, H., Bruggeman, J., Harmsen, J., Kort, Th., De Schakel, A., 2009. Colonization of PAH-contaminated dredged sediment by earthworms. Appl. Soil Ecol., 43: 216–25.
  43. Eisen, 1895 — Eisen, G., 1895. Pacific Coast Oligochaeta. I. Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2: 63-123.
  44. Eisen, 1895b — Eisen, G., 1895. Pacific coast Oligochaeta. II, Benhamia, Acanthodrilus, Aleodrilus, Sparganophilus, Deltania, Phoenicodrilus. Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2(5): 123-198.
  45. Eisen, 1896 — Eisen, G., 1896. Pontoscolex lilljeborgi with notes on auditory sense cells of Pontoscolex corethrurus. Festsch. Wilhelm Lilljeborg: 1-16, pl. 1-2.
  46. Eisen, 1898 — Eisen, G., 1898. Notes on North American earthworms of the genus Diplocardia. Zool. Bull., 2(4): 161-172.
  47. Eisen, 1900 — Eisen, G., 1900. Researches in the American Oligochaeta with special reference to those of the Pacific Coast and Adjacent Island. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 2(3): 85-276, pls. 1-10.
  48. Eisenhauer, 2010 — Eisenhauer, N., 2010. The action of an animal ecosystem engineer: Identification of the main mechanisms of earthworm impacts on soil microarthropods. Pedobiologia, 53: 343-352.
  49. Eisenhauer and Scheu, 2008 — Eisenhauer, N., Scheu, S., 2008. Invasibility of experimental grassland communities: The role of earthworms, plant functional group identity, and seed size. Oikos, 117: 1026-1036.
  50. Eisenhauer and Scheu, 2008b — Eisenhauer, N., Scheu, S.,2008. Earthworms as drivers of the competition between grasses and legumes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40: 2650-2659.
  51. Eisenhauer et al., 2007 — Eisenhauer, N., Partsch, S., Parkinson, D., Scheu, S., 2007. Invasion of a deciduous forest by earthworms: Changes in soil chemistry, microflora, microarthropods and vegetation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 1099-1110.
  52. Eisenhauer et al., 2008 — Eisenhauer, N., Marhan, S., Scheu, S., 2008. Assessment of anecic behavior in selected earthworm species: Effects on wheat seed burial, seedling establishment, wheat growth and litter incorporation. Applied Soil Ecology, 38: 79-82.
  53. Eisenhauer et al., 2009 — Eisenhauer, N., König, S., Sabais, A.C.W., Renker, C., Buscot, F., Scheu, S., 2009. Impacts of earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices) on plant performance are not interrelated. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: 561-567.
  54. Eisenhauer et al., 2009b — Eisenhauer, N., Milcu, A., Nitschke, N., Sabais, A.C.W., Scherber, C., Scheu, S., 2009. Earthworm and belowground competition effects on plant productivity in a plant diversity gradient. Oecologia, 161: 291-301.
  55. Eisenhauer et al., 2009c — Eisenhauer, N., Milcu, A., Sabais, A.C.W., Bessler, H., Weigelt, A., Engels, C., Scheu, S., 2009. Plant community impacts on the structure of earthworm communities depend on season and change with time. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: 2430-2443.
  56. Eisenhauer et al., 2009d — Eisenhauer, N., Milcu, A., Sabais, A.C.W., Scheu, S., 2009. Earthworms enhance plant regrowth in a grassland plant diversity gradient. European Journal of Soil Biology, 45: 455-458.
  57. Eisenhauer et al., 2009e — Eisenhauer, N., Schuy, M., Butenschoen, O., Scheu, S., 2009. Direct and indirect effects of endogeic earthworms on plant seeds. Pedobiologia, 52: 151-162.
  58. Eisenhauer et al., 2010 — Eisenhauer, N., Butenschoen, O., Radsick, S., Scheu, S., 2010. Earthworms as seedling predators: Importance of seeds and seedlings for earthworm nutrition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42: 1245-1252.
  59. Eisenhauer et al., 2011 — Eisenhauer, N., Schlaghamerský, J., Reich, P.B., Frelich, L.E., 2011. The wave towards a new steady state: effects of earthworm invasion on soil microbial functions. Biological Invasions, 13: 2191-2196.
  60. Eisenhauer et al., 2012 — Eisenhauer, N., Reich, P.B., Isbell, F., 2012. Decomposer diversity and identity influence plant diversity effects on ecosystem functioning. Ecology, 93: 2227-2240.
  61. El-Duweini, 1940 — El-Duweini, A.K., 1940. The anatomy of Allolobophora caliginosa f.trapezoides. Bull. Fac. Sel. Cairo Univ., 21: 59–151.
  62. El-Duweini, 1950 — El-Duweini, A.K., 1950. On the copulation in Alma nilotica Grube, with a description of the spermatecae in the species. Zool. Soc. Egypt. Bull., 9: 29-39.
  63. El-Duweini, 1953 — El-Duweini, A.K., 1953. On the internal genital organs of Alma nilotica Grube, with a note on the septal pouches in the species. Egypt. Acad. Sci., 9: 102-109.
  64. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1964 — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1964. Observations on the burrowing activities of Allolobophora caliginosa f.trapezoides. Bull. Zool. Soc. Egypt, 19: 60–90.
  65. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1965 — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1965. Population density and biomass of earthworms in different types of Egyptian soils. J. Appl. Ecol., 2: 271–287.
  66. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1965b — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1965. Temperature relations of three Egyptian oligochaete species. Oikos, 16: 9-15.
  67. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1967 — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1967. Records of Oligochaeta in Egypt. Pedobiologia 7: 135–141.
  68. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1968 — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1968. The geographical speciation of northeast African oligochaetes Pedobiologia 7: 371–374.
  69. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1968b — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1968. The zoogeography of oligochaetes in north-east Africa. Zool. Jb. Syst. 95: 189–212.
  70. El-Duweini and Ghabbour, 1971 — El-Duweini, A.K., Ghabbour, S.I., 1971. Nitrogen contribution by live earthworms to the soil. In "IV Colloquium Pedobiologia", by d’Aguilar, J. (ed.), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), 71(7): 495–501.
  71. El-Temsah and Joner, 2012 — El-Temsah, Y.S., Joner, E.J., 2012. Ecotoxicological effects on earthworms of fresh and aged nano-sized zero-valent iron (nZVI) in soil. Chemosphere, 89(1): 76–82.
  72. Elmer and Palmer, 2012 — Elmer, J., Palmer, A.F., 2012. Biophysical Properties of Lumbricus terrestris Erythrocruorin and Its Potential Use as a Red Blood Cell Substitute. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 3(4): 49-60.
  73. Elvira et al., 1996 — Elvira, C., Domínguez, J., Briones, M.J.I., 1996. Growth and reproduction of Eisenia andrei and E. fetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in different organic residues. Pedobiologia, 40: 377-384.
  74. Elvira et al., 1996b — Elvira, C., Domínguez, J., Briones, M.J.I., 1996. Composición de las comunidades de lombrices de tierra en un vertedero, un estercolero y un depósito de pasta residual. Nova Acta Científica Compostelana, 6: 123-129.
  75. Elvira et al., 1997 — Elvira, C., Domínguez, J., Mato, S., 1997. The growth and reproduction of Lumbricus rubellus and Dendrobaena rubida in cow manure mixed cultures with Eisenia andrei. Applied Soil Ecology, 5(1): 97-103.
  76. Elvira et al., 1998 — Elvira, C., Sampedro, L., Benitez, E., Nogales, R., 1998. Vermicomposting of sludges from paper mill and dairy industries with Eisenia andrei: a pilot study. Bioresource Technology, 63: 205-211.
  77. Elvira et al., 1998b — Elvira, C., Sampedro, L., Briones, M.J.I., 1998. Caracterización de los capullos y de los recién nacidos de varias especies de lombrices de tierra (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 94: 33-38.
  78. Emmerling and Paulsch, 2001 — Emmerling, C., Paulsch, D., 2001. Improvement of earthworm (Lumbricidae) community and activity in mine soils from open-cast coal mining by the application of different organic waste materials. Pedobiologia, 45: 396–407.
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  84. Engelstad and Stenersen, 1991 — Engelstad, F., Stenersen, J., 1991. Acetylesterase pattern in the earthworm genus Eisenia (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae): implications for laboratory use and taxonomic status. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 23(3): 243–247.
  85. Enslin, 1906 — Enslin, E., 1906. Die Höhlenfauna des fränkischen Jura. Abh. Nat. Ges. Nürnberg, XVI, 67 pp.
  86. Erlanger, 1895 — Erlanger, R. von., 1895. Ueber den feineren Bau der Gonaden des Regenwurms. Zool. Anz., XVIII: 421-424.
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  88. Ermakov and Golovanova, 2010 — Ermakov, A.I., Golovanova, E.V., 2010. Species composition and abundance of earthworms in the tundra biocenoses of Denezhkin Kamen’ Mountain (Northern Urals). Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 3 (1): 10-14.
  89. Erseus, 2005 — Erséus, C., 2005. Phylogeny of oligochaetous Clitellata. In “Morphology, Molecules, Evolution and Phylogeny in Polychaeta and Related Taxa” by Bartolomaeus, T. and Purschke, G. (eds.). Developments in Hydrobiology, 179: 357-372.
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  100. Ezzatpanah, 2010 — Ezzatpanah, S., 2010. Earthworms of the Markazi province, Iran (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Calodema, 122: 1-9.