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Bibliography  Book.png  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Before 1880 | Databases / Unp. data

  1. Lafont et al., 2007 — Lafont, A., Risede, J.M., Loranger-Merciris, G., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Dorel, M., Rhino, B., Lavelle, P., 2007. Effects of the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on banana plants infected or not with the plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus similis. Pedobiologia, 51, 311-318.
  2. Lahille, 1922 — Lahille, F., 1922. Enumeración sistemática de los Anélidos Oligoquetos encontrados en la República Argentina. Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nación, Buenos Aires.
  3. Lamparski, 1985 — Lamparski, F., 1985. Der Einfluss der Regenwurmart Lumbricus badensis auf Waldboeden im Sued-Schwarzwald. Freiburger Bodenkundliche Abhandlungen, 15: 1–206.
  4. Lamparski and Zottl, 1981 — Lamparski, F., Zottl, H.W., 1981. The earthworm Lumbricus badensis as a soil indicating factor in the southern Black Forest. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 32: 499-508.
  5. Lamparski et al., 1987 — Lamparski, F., Kobel-Lamparski, A., Kaffenberger, R., 1987. The burrows of Lumbricus badensis and Lumbricus polyphemus. In "On earthworms", by Bonvicini Pagliai, A.M. and Omodeo, P. (eds.), Mucchi editore, Modena, Italy, pp. 131-140.
  6. Lapied and Lavelle, 2003 — Lapied, E., Lavelle, P., 2003. The peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus in the East coast of Costa Rica. Pedobiologia, 47: 471-474.
  7. Lapied et al., 2009 — Lapied, E., Nahmani, J.Y., Rousseau, G.X., 2009. Influence of texture and amendments on soil properties and earthworm communities. Applied Soil Ecology, 43: 241–249.
  8. Lapied et al., 2010 — Lapied, E., Moudilou, E., Exbrayat, J.M., Oughton, D.H., Joner, E.J., 2010. Silver nanoparticle exposure cause apoptotic response in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris (Oligochaeta). Nanomedicine, 5(6): 975-984.
  9. Lapied et al., 2011 — Lapied, E., Nahmani, J.Y., Moudilou, E., Chaurand, P., Labille, J., Rose, J., Exbrayat, J.M., Oughton, D.H., Joner, E.J., 2011. Ecotoxicological effects of an aged TiO2 nanocomposite measured as apoptosis in the anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris after exposure through water, food and soil. Environment International, 37: 1105-1110.
  10. Larson et al., 2009 — Larson, E.R., Kipfmueller, K.F., Hale, C.M., Frelich, L.E., Reich, P.B., 2009. Tree Rings Detect Earthworm Invasions and their Effects in Northern Hardwood Forests. Biological Invasions, 12(5): 1053-1067.
  11. Lataud, 1987 — Lataud, C., 1987. Endocrine control of gametogenesis in the oligochaete annelid Eisenia foetida foetida, Sav. Evidence for synthesis of testicular androgen. In "On earthworms", Bovicini Pagliari & Omodeo red., Mucchi (ed.), Modena, 33-52.
  12. Latif et al., 2011 — Latif, R., Malek, M., MacKenzie, K., 2011. Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826) (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) as a bioindicator of heavy metals. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 93(8): 1643-1649.
  13. Lavelle, 1971 — Lavelle, P., 1971. Etude préliminaire de la nutrition d’un ver de terre africain Millsonia anomala (Acanthodrilidae, Oligochètes). Annales de Zoologie et Ecologie Animale, Hors-série: 133-145.
  14. Lavelle, 1975 — Lavelle, P., 1975. Consommation annuelle de terre par une population naturelle de vers de terre (Millsonia anomala Omodeo, Acanthodrilidae-Oligochetes) dans la savane de Lamto (Côte d’Ivoire). Revue d’Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol, 12(1): 11-24.
  15. Lavelle, 1978 — Lavelle, P., 1978. Les vers de terre de la savane de Lamto (Côte d’Ivoire): peuplements, populations et Jonctions dans l’écosystème. Thèse Doctorat, Paris VI. Publ. Lab. Zool. ENS.
  16. Lavelle, 1981 — Lavelle, P., 1981. Strategies de reproduction chez les vers de terre. Acta Œcologica, Œcologia Generalis, 2: 117-33.
  17. Lavelle, 1981b — Lavelle, P., 1981. Un ver de terre carnivore des savanes de la moyenne Cote d’Ivoire: Agastrodrilus dominicae nov. sp. (Oligochétes-Megascolecidae). Rev. Écol. Biol. Sol, 18: 253–258.
  18. Lavelle, 1983 — Lavelle, P., 1983. Agastrodrilus Omodeo and Vaillaud, a genus of carnivorous earthworms from the Ivory Coast. Earthworm Ecology: 425-429.
  19. Lavelle, 1983b — Lavelle, P., 1983. The soil fauna of tropical savannas. II-The earthworms. In "Tropical Savannas", by Bourlière, F. (ed.), Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co, Amsterdam, pp. 485-504.
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  21. Lavelle, 1984 — Lavelle, P., 1984. The soil system in the humid tropics. Biology International, 9: 2-15.
  22. Lavelle, 1985 — Lavelle, P., 1985. Les systèmes d’interaction ressources-populations-environnement. Bulletin d’Ecologie, 16(1): 1-8.
  23. Lavelle, 1986 — Lavelle, P., 1986. Associations mutualistes avec la microflore du sol et richesse spécifique sous les tropiques: l’hypothèse du premier maillon. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, III, 302(1): 11-14.
  24. Lavelle, 1987 — Lavelle, P., 1987. The importance of biological processes in productivity of soils in the humid tropics. In "Geophysiology of the Amazon", by Dickinson, R.E., Lovelock, J. (eds), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 175-214.
  25. Lavelle, 1988 — Lavelle, P., 1988. Assessing the abundance and role of invertebrate communities in tropical soils: aims and methods. Journal of African Zoology, 102: 275-83.
  26. Lavelle, 1997 — Lavelle, P., 1997. Faunal activities and soil processes: adaptive strategies that determine ecosystem function. Advances in Ecological Research, 27: 93-132.
  27. Lavelle, 1997b — Lavelle, P., 1997. Faunal activities and soil processes: adaptive strategies that determine ecosystem function. Advances in Ecological Research, 27: 93-132.
  28. Lavelle and Meyer, 1983 — Lavelle, P., Meyer, J.A., 1983. “Allez-les-Vers”, a simulation model of dynamics and effect on soil of populations of Millsonia anomala (Oligochæta, Megascolecidæ). In "New Trends in Soil Biology", Lebrun, Ph., André, A.M., de Medts, A., et al. (eds.), Dieu-Brichart, Ottignies, pp. 503-519.
  29. Lavelle and Kohlmann, 1984 — Lavelle, P., Kohlmann, B., 1984. Etude quantitative de la macrofaune du sol dans une forêt tropicale humide du Mexique (Bonampak, Chiapas). Pedobiologia, 27: 377-393.
  30. Lavelle and Pashanasi, 1989 — Lavelle, P., Pashanasi, B., 1989. Soil macrofauna and land management in Peruvian Amazonia (Yurimaguas, Loreto). Pedobiologia, 33: 283-291.
  31. Lavelle and Gilot, 1994 — Lavelle, P, Gilot, C., 1994. Priming effects of macroorganisms on microflora: a key process of soil function? In "Beyond the Biomass", by Ritz, J., Dighton, K., Giller, K.E. (eds ), John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, pp. 173-180.
  32. Lavelle and Spain, 2001 — Lavelle, P., Spain, A.V., 2001. Soil Ecology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 654 pp.
  33. Lavelle and Lapied, 2003 — Lavelle, P., Lapied, E., 2003. Endangered earthworms of Amazonia: an homage to Gilberto Righi. Pedobiologia, 47: 575-584.
  34. Lavelle et al., 1981 — Lavelle, P., Maury, M.E., Serrano, V., 1981. Estudio cuantitativo de la fauna del suelo en la region de Laguna Verde, Vera-Cruz. Epoca de Lluvias. Publicación del Instituto de Ecologia (México), 6: 75-105.
  35. Lavelle et al., 1983 — Lavelle, P., Rangel, P., Kanyonyo, J., 1983. Intestinal mucus production by two species of tropical earthworms: Millsonia lamtoiana (Megascolecidae) and Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae). In "New Trends in Soil Biology", Lebrun, Ph., André, A.M., de Medts, A., et al. (eds.), Dieu-Brichart, Ottignies, pp. 405-410.
  36. Lavelle et al., 1983b — Lavelle, P., Zaidi, Z. and Schaefer, R. (1983a) Interactions between earthworms, soil organic matter and microflora in an African savanna soil. In "New Trends in Soil Biology", Lebrun, Ph., André, A.M., de Medts, A., et al. (eds.), Dieu-Brichart, Ottignies, pp. 253-259.
  37. Lavelle et al., 1987 — Lavelle, P., Barois, I., Cruz, I., Fragoso, C., Hernandez, A., Pineda, A., Rangel, P., 1987. Adaptive strategies of Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae, Oligochaeta), a peregrine geophagous earthworm of the humid tropics. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 5(3): 188-194.
  38. Lavelle et al., 1989 — Lavelle, P., Schaefer, R., Zaidi, Z., 1989. Soil ingestion and growth in Millsonia anomala, a tropical earthworm, as influenced by the quality of the organic matter ingested. Pedobiologia, 33: 379-388.
  39. Lavelle et al., 1992 — Lavelle, P., Melendez, G., Pashanasi, B. et al., 1992. Nitrogen mineralization and reorganization in casts of the geophagous tropical earthworm Pontoscolex corethurus (Glossoscolecidae). Biology and Fertility of Soils, 14: 49-53.
  40. Lavelle et al., 1992b — Lavelle, P., Spain, A.V., Blanchart, E. et al., 1992. The impact of soil fauna on the properties of soils in the humid tropics. In "Myths and Science of Soils of the Tropics", Lal, R., Sanchez, P.A. (eds), Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 157-185.
  41. Lavelle et al., 1993 — Lavelle, P., Blanchart, E., Martin, A., 1993. A hierarchical model for decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. Application to soils in the humid tropics. Biotropica, 25(2): 130-150.
  42. Lavelle et al., 1994 — Lavelle, P., Dangerfield, M., Fragoso, C., 1994. The Relationship between soil macrofauna and tropical soil fertility. In "Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility", by Swift, M.J. and Woomer, P. (eds), John Wiley-Sayce, New York, pp. 137-169.
  43. Lavelle et al., 1994b — Lavelle, P., Lattaud, C., Trigo, D. et al., 1994. Mutualism and biodiversity in soils. Plant and Soil, 170(1): 23-33.
  44. Lavelle et al., 1995 — Lavelle, P., Chauvel, A., Fragoso, C., 1995. Faunal activity in acid soils. In "Plant Soil Interactions at Low pH", by Date, R.A., Grundon, N.J., Rayment, G.E. et al. (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 201-211.
  45. Lavelle et al., 1998 — Lavelle, P., Barois, I., Blanchart, E., Brown, G.G., Brussaard, L., Decaëns, T., Fragoso, C., Jimenez, J.J., Kajondo, K.K., Martinez, M.A., Moreno, A.G., Pashanasi, B., Senapati, B.K., Villenave, C., 1998. Earthworms as a resource in tropical agroecosystems. Nature and Resources, 34: 26-41.
  46. Lavelle et al., 1998b — Lavelle, P., Pashanasi, B., Charpentier, F. et al., 1998. Large-scale effects of earthworms on soil organic matter and nutrient dynamics. In "Earthworm Ecology", by Edwards, C.A. (ed.), St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 103-122.
  47. Lavelle et al., 1999 — Lavelle, P., Brussard, L., Hendrix, P.F., 1999. Earthworm management in tropical agroecosystems. Edition CAB publishing, Wellingford, R.U., 1-300.
  48. Lavelle et al., 2001 — Lavelle, P., Barros, E., Blanchart, E., Brown, G.G., Desjardins, T., Mariani, L., Rossi, J.P., 2001. SOM Management in the tropics: Why feeding the soil macrofauna? Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 61(1-2): 53-61.
  49. Lavelle et al., 2007 — Lavelle, P., Barot, S., Blouin, M., Decaëns, T., Jimenez, J.J., Jouquet, P., 2007. Earthworms as key actors in self-organized soil systems. In "Ecosystem engineers: Plants to Protists", by Cuddington, K., Byers, J.E., Wilson, W.G. and Hastings, A. (eds.), Elsevier Inc., 400 pp.
  50. Laverack, 1963 — Laverack, M.S., 1963. The Physiology of Earthworms. London, Pergamon Press.
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  58. Lee et al., 2007 — Lee, C.K., Shin, J.S., Kim, B.S., Cho, I.H., Kim, Y.S., Lee, E.B., 2007. Antithrombotic effects by oral administration of novel proteinase fraction from earthworm eisenia andrei on venous thrombosis model in rats. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 30(4): 475-480.
  59. Lesage and Schwert, 1978 — Lesage, L., Schwert, D.P., 1978. Premières recoltes de vers de terre (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) sur la rive Nord du Saint-Laurent (Quebec). Le Naturaliste Canadien, 105: 209-211.
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  75. Loss et al., 2013 — Loss, S.R., Hueffmeier, R.M., Hale, C.M., Host, G.E., Sjerven, G., Frelich, L.E., 2013. Earthworm Invasions in Northern Hardwood Forests: a Rapid Assessment Method. Natural Areas Journal, 33(1): 21-30.
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