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Ramiellona strigosa   (Gates, 1962)
Family: Acanthodrilidae     Genus: Ramiellona
Infraspecific taxons: Ramiellona strigosa strigosa (Gates, 1962)
Ramiellona strigosa setosa (Righi, 1972)
Short description
External characteristics: N/A
Internal characteristics: N/A
Geographical origin: N/A
Distribution status: Endemic
General comment: The sub-species R. strigosa strigosa is known from Guatemala while the sub-species R. strigosa setosa is known from Mexico.
Present in: Guatemala, Mexico,
► See also distribution references
Ecological category: N/A
Climatic zone: N/A
Habitat: N/A
Micro-habitat: N/A

General data Thematic references Distribution references